How to Properly Clean and Disinfect Your Sex Toys

  1. Types of sex toys
  2. Lubricants
  3. Types of lubricants

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to properly clean and disinfect your sex toys. Whether you are a seasoned sex toy enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of pleasure, it is important to know how to take care of your toys for both hygienic and longevity purposes. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about cleaning and disinfecting your sex toys, from the different types of lubricants to use, to the proper techniques and products you should use. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about keeping your sex toys in tip-top shape. When it comes to sex toys, proper maintenance and cleaning is crucial for both your health and the longevity of your toys.

In this article, we will cover the various types of lubricants and how to use them, as well as tips for disinfecting and maintaining your toys. By the end, you'll have all the information you need to keep your adult toys clean and safe for use. The first step in proper toy maintenance is choosing the right lubricant. There are three main types of lubricants: water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based. Water-based lubricants are the most common and are safe to use with all types of toys.

They are also easy to clean off with just water and do not leave behind residue. However, they can dry out quickly and may need to be reapplied during use. Silicone-based lubricants are great for longer-lasting lubrication and are safe to use with most toys. They can also be used in water as they do not dissolve in it. However, they can be difficult to clean off and may leave behind a residue on your toys. Oil-based lubricants are not recommended for use with most sex toys as they can damage certain materials.

However, they can be used with some non-porous toys, such as glass or metal. They also provide long-lasting lubrication, but can be difficult to clean off and may stain fabrics. Next, we will cover the best practices for cleaning and disinfecting your sex toys. It is important to use gentle cleansers that are specifically designed for sex toy use. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your toys or cause irritation to your skin.

After cleaning, make sure to properly dry your toys before storing them to prevent bacterial growth. Proper storage is also important for maintaining toy cleanliness. Make sure to store your toys in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Some toys may come with their own storage bags or cases, which can help keep them clean and protected. We understand that different types of sex toys require different cleaning methods. That's why we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to clean specific types of toys, such as vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and more.

It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your specific toy to ensure its longevity. In addition to proper cleaning techniques, it is also important to use body-safe materials when it comes to sex toy cleanliness. Make sure to only use toys made from non-toxic, non-porous materials that are safe for your body. This will not only protect your health but also make cleaning and disinfecting your toys easier. Our article wouldn't be complete without addressing common questions or concerns about toy cleanliness. It is important to note that sharing toys with partners can increase the risk of spreading infections or diseases.

It is recommended to either use separate toys or properly clean and disinfect them before sharing. It is also important to clean your toys after each use, even if you are the only one using them. This will prevent the buildup of bacteria and keep your toys in good condition. If your toy shows signs of wear and tear or becomes damaged, it is important to replace it or properly dispose of it. To help break up the text and make it more engaging, we have included images throughout the article to demonstrate proper cleaning techniques and showcase some of the best products for disinfecting your toys. We understand that there may be differing opinions on the best way to clean sex toys. However, our goal is to provide a comprehensive and informative guide that covers all aspects of toy cleanliness, so readers can make their own informed decisions. In summary, proper cleaning and maintenance of sex toys is crucial for both safety and longevity.

By following our tips and techniques, you can ensure that your toys are always clean, safe, and ready for use.

Types of Lubricants

When it comes to choosing a lubricant for your sex toys, there are three main types: water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based. Each type has its own unique properties and benefits, so it's important to understand the differences between them before deciding which one is right for you.

Water-based lubricants

are the most popular choice for sex toys because they are safe to use with all types of materials, including silicone. They are also easy to clean up and won't stain your sheets. However, they can dry out quickly and may need to be reapplied during use.

Silicone-based lubricants

are longer lasting and provide a smoother, more slippery sensation.

They are safe to use with most materials, but should not be used with silicone toys as they can degrade the material over time. They can also be more difficult to clean up and may leave behind a residue.

Oil-based lubricants

are not recommended for use with sex toys as they can cause damage to the material and make it less hygienic. They can also be difficult to clean up and may stain your sheets. However, they do provide a thicker, more long-lasting lubrication and can be a good option for certain types of sexual activities.

Tips for Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Toys

When it comes to maintaining and cleaning your sex toys, it's important to follow a few key tips to ensure their longevity and safety for use.

These tips include using gentle cleansers, proper drying techniques, and safe storage practices. Let's dive into each of these in more detail.

Gentle Cleansers

The first step in cleaning your toys is to choose the right cleanser. It's important to avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive soaps, as these can damage the material of your toys and potentially cause irritation or infection. Instead, opt for a gentle cleanser specifically designed for use on sex toys.

These can often be found at your local adult store or online.

Proper Drying

After washing your toys with a gentle cleanser, it's crucial to properly dry them before storing them away. This helps to prevent any moisture from building up and potentially causing mold or bacteria growth. The best way to dry your toys is to use a clean, lint-free towel and gently pat them dry. Avoid using a hairdryer or leaving them in direct sunlight, as this can also damage the material.

Safe Storage

Once your toys are clean and dry, it's important to store them in a safe place.

This means keeping them away from extreme temperatures, moisture, and direct sunlight. Many sex toy manufacturers provide storage bags or cases with their products, which are designed to keep your toys safe and discreet. If not, you can use a clean cloth bag or wrap them in a soft cloth before storing them in a cool, dry place.

Common Questions and Concerns

As mentioned earlier, proper cleaning and maintenance of your sex toys is essential for both your health and the longevity of the toys. However, many people have questions and concerns when it comes to sharing toys, how often to clean them, and what to do if a toy becomes damaged.

In this section, we will address these common concerns and provide answers to help you properly care for your adult toys.

Sharing Toys

It is important to note that sharing sex toys can increase the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other infections. If you are going to share toys with a partner, it is recommended to use a condom on the toy or to thoroughly clean and disinfect it between uses. This will help reduce the risk of spreading any potential infections.

Cleaning Frequency

The frequency of cleaning your sex toys will depend on how often you use them. If you are using a toy multiple times a week, it should be cleaned after each use.

For toys that are used less frequently, they should still be cleaned at least once a week. It is also important to clean the toy before and after each use if it is being shared between partners.

Dealing with Damaged Toys

If a sex toy becomes damaged, it is important to stop using it immediately. Depending on the type of damage, you may be able to repair the toy or you may need to dispose of it. If the toy is made of silicone, you can try using a silicone-safe adhesive to repair any tears or holes.

However, if the damage is significant or the toy is made of a material that cannot be repaired, it is best to dispose of it and replace it with a new one.

How to Clean Different Types of Sex Toys

When it comes to sex toys, proper maintenance and cleaning is crucial for both your health and the longevity of your toys. This is especially important when it comes to different types of sex toys, such as vibrators, dildos, and anal toys. Regular cleaning not only keeps your toys hygienic, but it also helps them last longer and maintain their quality.


Vibrators are one of the most popular types of sex toys, and they come in a variety of materials such as silicone, plastic, or metal. Before cleaning, be sure to remove any batteries and make sure the toy is not waterproof before submerging it in water.

If it is waterproof, you can wash it with soap and warm water. For non-waterproof vibrators, use a damp cloth with soap to clean the surface. Make sure to thoroughly dry the toy before storing it.


Dildos also come in a variety of materials, including silicone, glass, and metal. Similar to vibrators, make sure to remove any batteries and check if the toy is waterproof before cleaning.

For waterproof dildos, you can use soap and warm water. For non-waterproof dildos, use a damp cloth with soap to clean the surface. If your dildo has ridges or crevices, be sure to clean them thoroughly with a small brush or toothbrush.

Anal Toys:

Anal toys can be made of silicone, glass, or metal. These toys should always be washed with soap and warm water after each use.

If you're sharing the toy with a partner, be sure to use a condom or clean it thoroughly before use. Make sure to clean all areas of the toy, including any ridges or crevices, to prevent any bacteria from growing.

Other Types of Sex Toys:

There are many other types of sex toys, such as cock rings, butt plugs, and bondage toys. These should also be cleaned with soap and warm water after each use. If the toy is made of silicone, be sure to use a water-based lubricant to avoid damaging the material.

For metal or glass toys, you can use a toy cleaner or simply wash with soap and warm water. Always make sure to dry your toys thoroughly before storing them. By following these cleaning tips, you can ensure that your sex toys stay clean and safe for use. Remember to always read the instructions that come with your toys and follow the recommended cleaning methods for each specific material. With proper maintenance, your toys will last longer and provide you with many enjoyable experiences. In conclusion, proper cleaning and maintenance of your sex toys is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.

By following our guide, you can ensure that your toys stay clean and in good condition for years to come. Remember to always use body-safe materials and avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning your toys. Happy cleaning!.

Lynda Pundsack
Lynda Pundsack

Incurable zombie expert. Proud entrepreneur. Passionate tv trailblazer. Total music buff. General beeraholic.

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